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Animated wallpaper for your desktop

December 11, 2009

A-desk v16 animated wallpaper

1 - Install zenity & mplayer & Unrar & Rar
sudo apt-get install zenity mplayer unrar rar

*and go to directory of this file.

3- extract the a-desk file

4- Install XWINWRAP

*use this command on terminal based on your cpu:

dpkg -i xwinwrapcvs.deb >> for 32 bit
dpkg -i xwinwrapcvs64.deb >>for 64 bit

5- execute a-desk-installer
( double clicks on "a-desk-installer ", choose language )

6 - How to enable your live animated desktop?
* right click on your desktop select > script > a-desk , then choose your favourite movie!

that's all.. enjoy!!!

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